Glory of Islam in Indonesia
YouTube Channel Establishment Proposal
"I love Islam"
(Contains information about the Spread of Islam in Indonesia, and the Glory of Islam in Indonesia, etc.)
Introduction and Purpose.
Indonesia is a country with the largest number of Muslims in the world. Under these conditions, Indonesia has the potential to become a glorious place for the future of Islam. To achieve this, it is necessary to strengthen and deepen the love of Indonesian Muslims about Islamic values. Because it is necessary education, information about Islam to them continuously. One of them through this YouTube channel. t
This YouTube account aims to provide information about the glorious history of Islam in the past when Islam entered Indonesia and the achievements of Islam in Indonesia. So that it is hoped that it can foster a love for Islam, and in the end can have daily activities based on Islamic values that contribute to the glory of Islam now and in the future.
Economical business.
This content aims at an economical business, that is, it can become a social media that supports itself and every Muslim who plays a role in this media. As well as being a business and economic inspiration for every Muslim
Content material
The content material reveals various evidences of the glory of Islam in the past and present in Indonesia.
Media Facilities
The media used is YouTube-based and will be developed into other media in accordance with the times.
Equipment and Cost Budget.
Equipment Budget
1 Unit PC (Computer) Rp. 4,000,000.
1 Laptop Unit. Rp. 7,500,000
1 unit camcorder. Rp. 3,500,000
1 Unit SmartPhone this realm
ram 12 128/256 Rp. 7,000,000
1 Large tripod assembly. Rp. 300,000
1 ring light unit. Rp. 250,000
1 Unit drones. Rp. 1,000,000
1 unit of second hand cars suitable for operation. Rp. 150,000,000
Total equipment budget
Rp. 172,550,000
SEO costs at the beginning/One time only Rp. 7,500,000
Operational costs for the initial 5 months. Per month 10,000,000. Rp. 50,000,000
Total Cost of the initial 5 months
Rp. 57,500,000
Grand total equipment budget and initial costs for 5 months: IDR 230,050,000
Work plan.
First month
Equipment shopping + software settings.
Production of YouTube video content 1-2 a day - videos. 500,000 views
First month Performance Evaluation
Second Month
YouTube content production 1 million viewers
Monetization submission.
2nd month performance evaluation
Third month
YouTube content production 1.5 million viewers
Monetization Approval by YouTube
3rd month performance evaluation
Fourth month
YouTube content production 2 million viewers
Verify data for monetization-approved YouTube accounts
4th month performance evaluation
Fifth month
YouTube content production 2.5 million viewers
Controlling YouTube account revenue
5th month performance evaluation and revenue target achievement.
Sixth month
Already able to receive income of 30 million.
(⅓ for operational costs, ⅓ for investors, ⅓ for operators)
YouTube content production 3 million viewers
The seventh month's work plan and so on will be carried out at the end of the fifth month.
Biodata of Proposal Maker
Name : M Agung Kurniawan SE
Address : Tanjungan RT 003 RW 002
Agama : Islam
Kecamatan Kemlagi, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
Place date of birth: Mojokerto March 31, 1974
Education: Bachelor Degree, Islamic University of Malang
Hp/Wa : 0812 3306 1821
Email :
YouTube: cak motivator
Career Track Record
Human Resources Consultant.
Director of PT Radio Semeru Bhara Surya (East Java Regional Police Service Radio).
Business Relations & Communication At Action Coach (Business Coaching).
Supervisor Broadcaster at Suara Surabaya Media.
Training at South Korea by Korea Federation Small Business.